Think Positive – 5 Ways To Beat The Weight Loss Blues
Some days it’s hard to think positive when you’re trying to lose weight, it happens. That little negative nay-nayer voice in the back of your head starts preaching and bringing you down. Before you know it, the “snowball” begins and, you’ve taken one tiny negative thought and grown it into a huge-O failure! I do this myself very well..
Living healthy is a popular place for this problem, and it brings us all down from time to time. How you deal with it is the key to your success. Here are a few come backs for that nasty voice:
Think Positive – 5 Ways To Beat Some Common Weight Loss Blues
“I totally binged out on junk. I have no control. Who am I kidding?” Remind yourself of the healthy choices you made, take credit for them, and keep moving forward! It takes time to re-teach your brain how it likes to eat. Fight back by learning what triggers you to eat. Is it boredom? Find something you love to do and fill that space. Is it emotional? Find something else to make you feel better. Lean on someone…have them help put things into perspective. Willpower is a skill to be practiced –we’re not born with or without it. So, keep practicing and you’ll get it!“I didn’t lose ANY weight this week! I can’t do it. This isn’t working. I’m a failure!” When I started exercising, I actually GAINED weight! I freaked! Randy had his weeks, too, when the scale didn’t budge. It’s disappointing, but it is not failure! Think of the positive things you did over the week. Maybe you walked or traded out some fatty foods for leaner choices. Be proud of what you did to reach your goal. Remember, as long as you are trying, you ARE successful! You can only fail if you give up all together. Think like Dory in Finding Nemo, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!” I love Dory…seriously, find a mantra!
“Obesity runs in my family. I have bad genes. I doomed!” Even if your parents and grandparents struggle with weight, you must remember that YOU make your own destiny. Lots of people have bodies prone to gain weight easier than others. Some folks have health problems or handicaps that make weight loss/control difficult. Considering these challenges and making smart choices to combat them is key here. Remember, you are in charge not your genes. Your life will be what you decide to make it.
“I hate exercising! I’m too tired. I’m just sick of it.” Many times Randy and I have not wanted to exercise. But, we remind each other how much better we feel after we do it. It’s true too. Randy has practically pushed my grumpy butt out the door, and when I get back, I feel soooo much better. I’m like re-charged, and I feel proud of myself too. Remind yourself how great you feel after you exercise, and all the energy it helps create. Focus on all the benefits of it.“It isn’t fair. Everybody else eats whatever they want. I feel so alone.” Not true! Think about all the healthy choices you’re making and remind yourself that you are worth it! Remember, also, that thousands of people, just like you, are watching what they eat. Many of them are feeling exactly the same way you are. Reach out to them. You are never alone!
Think about it….What you think to yourself over and over is what you are going to believe, so why not make it good? Positive thinking can be a strong force and so useful in reaching your goals. If you start training your brain to always think positive, your life can only change for the better.
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